'Pet Boss' is a fictional brand that focuses on the unclear mandatory standards in the self-regulated pet food industry that allows unsafe pet food the be distributed nationally. 'Pet Boss' would extensively check the quality of all pet food before it is packaged and sent to retailers and supermarkets to be purchased by pet owners. 
This brand was created as one of my major assessment pieces at Griffith University. Students were tasked to create a fictional brand based on a prevalent issue within our lives, in this case I chose to
look at the food that my dog -Mikey- consumes. 
A poster made to display the shortlist of possible brand names, the final brand name chosen and its corresponding brand mark.
Each component of the brand mark represent different personality traits that the brand aims to embody. 
Above: Four branded applications mockups of advertisements and packaging design
Below: Nine spreads of pages from the brand style guide created for 'Pet Boss'

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