The QCA Student Design Studios is a classroom within the Queensland College of Art Campus in South Bank where students can meet up and work on assessment together. 
This project was undertaken during my six week internship at Liveworm in 2021, in which students were required to create a new visually engaging identity that is 'loud and attractive' that denotes the room as a designated space for design students. 
Screenshot of the initial concept designs created for the vinyl decals for the student space. Originally I was aiming for a retro theme that utilises rainbow and monochrome-coloured tracks and the sunset, however the feedback I received suggested to focus on something more typographic rather than illustrated. 
​​​​​​​The image above shows the first iteration of the vinyl decal design for the student space. I had utilised
the feedback that I was given to create a design that utilised the word 'work' in large colourful letters.
After submitting this design, I was fortunate to be one of two students chosen to move forward and create new iterations of the decal designs. These new iterations follow the same theme of colourful typographic words, but it uses a new name for the room, Design HQ, throughout all the different versions. 
These can all be seen in the image below, in which I had experimented with different fonts, overlapping the words, and creating consistent gaps between each letter. 
The image grid above show the three iterations of my 'Design HQ' designs that were chosen as the three top designs to be printed into vinyl decals. Eventually, the design using the font 'Bely Display' was chosen to be printed, and can be seen installed on the doors in the two below.
Overall, I consider this project is one of my greatest achievements to date as I am leaving part of my   journey as a graphic design student to become a permanent display on the Queensland College of Art campus that many students will pass everyday.  

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